-Christina Baldwin
Today we moved into our new home over at Camp Eggers. It is kind of a sad day for us because our team is somewhat breaking up. Doc Peters is staying back over at Camp Phoenix for now because of some medical issues. We linked up with our teammates that we trained with over at Fort Riley. We are somewhat spread out throughout the base. All and all, I have to say that it is a much better move in the long run because it cuts down our commute which ultimately makes it safer. The base is nicer then Camp Phoenix in many ways. It has a lot more trees and I think a lot more social activities.
The base is in somewhat of an interesting arrangement. The military basically bought up an entire neighborhood of nice homes and walled it off and turned it into a base. Where there were swimming pools and yards they stacked connex boxes and made offices and sleeping quarters. Connex boxes are large metal containers that you load stuff into. There is not a lot of free space so finding your way around is interesting. You have to walk through all kinds of passage ways. I actually have to walk though a bathroom everyday to get to my new office. I had to navigate through this dark and narrow passage way just to get to the office to type this post.
The chow hall is not as good as Phoenix. Most importantly, it just does not have the homey feeling that Camp Phoenix had. I am sure that it will come with time.
I am currently staying in temporary housing. Here is a picture of where I am living. Lots of bunk beds. Yep mom, I am living the dream! I am actually kidding. The accommodations are again very nice compared to other FOBs around Afghanistan. Most other service members in Afghanistan are living in tents and B-huts. I am very fortunate to be in a hardened structure. I am on a waiting list for more permanent housing.
We had a short birthday party for one of our teammates tonight. Afterwards we all went and ate dinner together. It was very nice.
Camp Eggers had their big bazaar today. I am getting the Fetish Bear charm that was sent to me yesterday made into a necklace otherwise I will lose the little thing. Here is a picture of the bizaar.
Tonight Bill O'Riley will be speaking in a place called the Clam Shell. I have made a point to keep this blog apolitical and I plan to keep it that way. All I have to say is that I appreciate him making the effort to visit us over here in Kabul. I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for reading.
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